Sunday, November 18, 2007

Match and the Marketing Mind

I have a friend who is about to enter the world of Match. We've had a couple of conversations and she's had conversations with another friend who has used the dating site in the past. The reason I'm writing about this here is simple, Match requires everyone to start thinking like a marketer. You need to answer simple questions about yourself and write your profile, but how much spin should you give it? The one friend leans toward the eccentric. Her advice was to think about book titles and how they correspond to your life, something akin to having your dating headline read "Le Divorce looking for Le Mariage." The other friend prefers an open and honest approach, with no spin factor.  Imagine creating a Match profile for your product. What would work better in the end, an inflated profile that creates disappointment upon use or honesty from the onset?Maybe we should all create our products with Match in mind, it might just lead to better product development and continuous improvement in the hopes of living up to our profiles.   

Valerie Conyngham 

1 comment:

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