David Meerman Scott recently posted his new e-book The New Rules of Viral Marketing on his blog. Like David's book The New Rules of Marketing and PR, his new e-book is a quick read filled with great insights and easy to implement action plans. If you're thinking about writing an e-book or trying your hand at content with the goal (hope) of going viral this e-book will give you some quick tips and the inspiration you need to stop thinking and start doing. Enjoy.
Interesting Link .. did have some useful tips, but I have to admit that it did (much as David Scott trying to say otherwise), it was a bit of "self promotion". Maybe, that was the big point itself i.e. you have to promote it throught the right contact points. I liked the tips on creating videos for YouTube.. I swear to God though I have seen these before!! Hopefully this was not a case of imitation being the best form of flattery.. anyway, the tips are useful and handy.
Pardon my level and depth of expertise (or the lack thereof) in this field, but are e-books are big phenomenon? I know the video version, dominated on YouTube is, but was not sure of the e-books. Anyway, don't have any aspirations, just yet, to do e-books, but am very tempted to publish a YouTube video.. sometime very soon hopefully!
I haven't seen a lot of e-books outside of marketing related authors and websites. I can see that they could be desirable to a white paper. The format is friendlier and they're easier to read through. But it would also depend on the audience and the topic. It might be a good platform for a Realtor - very visual and could be written with the purpose of educating a homeowner on how to "stage" their home to maximize its sale appeal.
Make sure you share the link to your YouTube video after you publish it.
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